6-2-08 Comment from "Reader in Nampa"
Regarding Mr. Mansfield post, there is certainly an implied degree of judging Mr. Simplot's philanthropic deeds.
I am no biblical scholar, however I do believe absolutely no one currently walking this earth has the supreme authority to judge the motives of those passed. Least of all Mr. Mansfield.
In the rebuttal alone I raise the following objections:
1. Mr. Mansfield says he invited people over to the "transitional housing company that I founded".
New Hope was not founded by Mr. Mansfield. It was founded by Jason Ford...or are the public records registered with the State of Idaho fraudulent? According to papers filed, the company was later purchased by Mr. Mansfield.
2. Ms. Bell has never displayed any opposition to the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Federal government, under Section 8 housing, also disallows for felons to reside in their housing projects.
If our Federal Government recognizes that a felon record trumps addiction issues, then that's good enough for me! and apparently Ms. Bell too.
3. Mr. Mansfield claims he is now asking for "forgiveness" and looking to partner with neighbors and local associations.
But look at what it took to get Mr. Mansfield to think in terms of cooperating with society instead of bullying and lying his way into our neighborhoods.
Time will tell if Mr. Mansfield has changed his ways or if this is merely an attempt at pandering to law and public opinion in order to lull the citizens of Idaho into believing his rhetoric. His business are, after all, "for profit" and he is ever mindful of his bottom line.
6.2.08 10:15 p.m. by Reader in Nampa